Our offers

Starting a business


Setting up your business is a decisive moment when it's important to be supported, to ask yourself the right questions and to be able to answer them:

  • Is my project viable?
  • What is my added value?
  • How do you raise the funds?
  • What type of company should you choose and what steps do you need to take?
  • What's the difference between an employee and a self-employed worker?

We are at your side to help you make the best legal, accounting and tax decisions.
With an MBA from London Business School and a Master 2 in Business Administration from the Institut d'Administration des Entreprises de Paris, we can help you with all the issues involved in setting up a business.

IT Sector : ESN et SSII

Rate Depending on the company. From
holding and balance sheet.
Our accounting and consulting firm knows the IT sector.  
We offer a support service tailored to the needs of ESNs (digital service companies) and SSIIs (IT service and engineering companies) in Nice and Paris 16.  
With an engineering background and several years' experience in IT (first in development, then in auditing), I can advise you on a daily basis and offer you the accounting solutions and management tools you need to develop your business.  
Our accounting and consulting firm has solid experience in this field. We position ourselves as a true business partner for your digital or IT engineering company. 

Company organization and growth

To be discussed depending on the situation

As your company grows (often when you reach 5 employees), new issues arise, particularly in terms of organization. The company manager can no longer manage everything, and certain tasks now need to be identified and dealt with.

  • Accounting and financial reporting
  • Reengineering of business processes (accounting, financial, related) to make them more efficient.
  • Cost accounting,
  • Choice and compliance of information systems (RGPD obligations).

We can help you address all the issues that arise as companies grow, and work with you to define the necessary tools and processes.

Company in difficulty

To be discussed depending on the situation
Sometimes the company is going through a difficult situation (employee departure, unexpected work) and is falling behind with its bookkeeping and tax returns.
We can help you regain control of your accounting situation and negotiate with the various authorities. 
You'll be able to start afresh on a healthy footing.

IT audit

To be discussed according to the situation

IT has long since become an indispensable part of any business. An IT audit allows us to analyze the suitability of your information system for your business:

  • Is your IT aging or no longer in line with your strategy?
  • Is your IT risk management and regulatory compliance out of control?
  • Are your IT projects getting out of hand?
  • Does the growth of your business require you to digitize some of your processes?

With a dual background and experience in IT (engineer, project manager) and finance (chartered accountant), I can help you take stock of your IT and the actions you need to take.

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