Evolution – hardship Management

Any company can go through turbulent times due to economic or structural crises. The chartered accountant in Nice has a role of anticipation and pragmatic advice in sustainable performance to re-launch a growth dynamic. He identifies the relevant solutions (banks, state aid, insolvency management) at the company level as well as the essential players and he supports the company manager in his discussions with the financiers.

Our "Risk Management" Offers


  • Amicable or collective proceedings
  • Financing and aid (credit, co-financing, CIP)
  • Social impacts
  • Protection of the manager

Support in the safeguard procedure

  • Restructuring measures
  • Turnaround business plan
  • Budgetary and cash control
  • Audits of receivables
  • Relationship with the different actors of the procedure.

Support within the framework of a recovery plan

  • Establishment and negotiation of the plan
  • Preparation of the forecasted accounts
  • Follow-up of the execution of the plan with the parties designated by the court.

Whatever the stage crossed by the company, its protection as well as that of the manager and employees can be ensured by Eunomia Assur in partnership with Eunomia Audit and offer you a double risk management and governance.